Dosinet – FAQ

What is DosiNet?

DosiNet is a customer software developed for AWST for online data processing of your personal dosimetry. It offers the possibility to simplify the necessary information exchange between customers and the dosimetry service (AWST) and to make it more transparent. For example, the information about which of your employees has worn a particular dosimeter can be reported directly to the AWST central management system via this application. There, this data is processed directly and without delay.

What can I edit in DosiNet?

You can edit in DosiNet for example:

  • Access your data in AWST in real time
  • Create new persons to be monitored and end monitoring
  • Change person master data (e.g., make name changes, enter SSR numbers, make changes to monitoring reason and radiation type information).
  • Perfom assignment of dosimeters to persons
  • Perfom relevant changes to the application area
  • Change operating master data
  • Changes are immediately taken into account in the AWST process
How can I use the DosiNet service?

DosiNet is only accessible to customers authorized by AWST. After written registration, your own account will be set up. Subsequently, you will receive the password and the user ID in writing. The password can be changed at any time after the initial registration. The customer receives the further required access software free of charge via

How much does it cost to use DosiNet?

DosiNet contains all the necessary features for online data processing of your personal dosimetry and is provided to you free of charge for use.

What are the binding obligations of the DosiNet user?

The data processed by the customer via DosiNet are the basis for proper personal dose monitoring. The customer is independently responsible for conscientious data maintenance. The data exchange with AWST must therefore be carried out regularly, on time and completely. The data are not checked for correctness by the Dosimetry Service (AWST). They are processed as entered by the customer. The obligation to maintain data includes in particular:

  • Registration and deregistration of persons to be monitored
  • Changes in the person master data (e.g. name changes, changes in the reason for monitoring, details of the activity category and type of radiation).
  • Assignment of dosimeters to persons
  • Relevant changes to the field of application
  • Modification of the company master data

AWST reserves the right to block the customer's access to DosiNet in case of misuse or improper use.

As a DosiNet user, do I need to back up data specifically?

DosiNet by itself does not save any data from the management system on the computer where it is executed. Special protection of the computer or the program is not necessary. The data is backed up centrally in the AWST management system.

Do I need to certify as a DosiNet user?

No. Certification is not required for DosiNet.

Do I need administrator rights to install DosiNet?

No. Administrator privileges are not required to install DosiNet.

What is the recommended Internet speed for DosiNet?

For a smooth working with DosiNet it is recommended to have a higher internet speed than 64KBit/s (ISDN), ideally DSL speed.

As a DosiNet user, will I continue to receive the evaluations in paper form?

Yes. For your archiving, you will receive the results notifications in paper form as before.

Müssen bei der Rücksendung der Dosimeter noch Papiere beigelegt werden?

Nein, es ist nicht notwendig der Rücksendung Begleitpapiere beizulegen.

Where can I enter the BA-Betriebsnummer in DosiNet?

You can enter the BA-Betriebsnummer in DosiNet under Kategorie „Betrieb“ –> Ansicht „Aktive Betriebe“ –> „Bearbeiten“.

It may be necessary to pull the processing window that opens down a little so that the line for the BA-Betriebsnummer appears.

Where can I store the radiation protection officer in DosiNet?

You can enter the name of the radiation protection officer underKategorie „Betrieb“ –> Ansicht „Aktive Betriebe“ –> Reiter „Kontaktpersonen“ –> „Hinzufügen“.

When I register (or deregister) a person I get too few (too many) dosimeters delivered, what is the reason?

The number of dosimeters ordered does not automatically adjust when an employee registers or deregisters. If your dosimeter requirements change, please adjust them accordingly under Kategorie „Bestellung“ –> Ansicht „Dosimeter“ .

I have registered a person, there are enough dosimeters, but no dosimeter is automatically assigned, why?

After new registration of an employee, the pre-assignment is not automatically activated. Pre-assignment has the effect that if a sufficient number of dosimeters has been ordered, a dosimeter will be assigned to the employee during the next regular shipment. You can activate the pre-assignment under Kategorie „Mitarbeit“ –> Ansicht „Überwacht“.

When creating a new person, the message „unbehandelter technischer Fehler – Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Support“ appears - what is the reason for this?

This error message appears if the employee already exists. Please check the lists under Kategorie „Mitarbeit“ –> Ansicht „Überwacht“ as well as Ansicht „Nicht überwacht“.

Eine Person erhält plötzlich zwei zugeordnete Dosimeter– woran liegt das?

Die Dosimeter werden nach der Vergangenheit der Mitarbeitenden vergeben. Hierbei werden immer die zugeordneten Dosimeter der letzten zwei Monate betrachtet.
Oft ist die Ursache der ungewollten, doppelten Vergabe eine Verlustmeldung und neue Zuordnung in der jüngsten Vergangenheit.


In DosiNet das zweite, unbenutzte Dosimeter auf anonym setzen oder an eine neue Person zuordnen.

When assigning a dosimeter to a person, the message „unbehandelter technischer Fehler – Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Support“ appears - what is the reason for this?

Since the deadlines of the supervisory authorities for the complete transmission of data (for official dosimetry) in accordance with § 168 StrlSchG have expired on 28.02.2021, an assignment of employees with incomplete data to official dosimeters is no longer possible as of 01.03.2021.

Please check the completeness of the personal data.

What can be the reason if I cannot connect to the DosiNet server?

Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary for your IT department to release our server name and/or IP address in the system settings of your proxy server. You can find all information about this in our installation help.