Electronic Personal Dosemeter (EPD)

You can also find this and further information in our leaflets for download.

Short description

Das angebotene elektronische Dosimeter besitzt eine Bauartzulassung der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt (PTB) und ist geeicht.

The EPD is currently not approved for official dosimetry according to the Strahlenschutzgesetz (StrlSchG). Only passive dosimeters (OSL, thermoluminescence dosimeter (Albedo)) are used for official dosimetry.

Ebenso ist zu beachten: das EPD ist kein Produkt im Sinne des Medizinproduktgesetzes! Es dient nicht der Erkennung, Verhütung, Überwachung, Behandlung oder Linderung von Krankheiten, Verletzungen oder Behinderungen. Es ist lediglich ein Messgerät zur Messung der Dosis von ionisierender Strahlung.

Limited scope of application

In the direct beam of pulsed radiation fields (X-ray, accelerator), the dose rate in the pulse can be considerably higher than 1 Sv/h. In this case, the dosimeter is not suitable, as it can lead to a significant underestimation of the dose. In the scattered beam and when worn under a lead apron, the dose rate values are generally within the measuring range of the dosimeter. More detailed information can be found in our leaflet. Here we offer the OSL dosimeter for monitoring pregnant women.

Here you can find more information about monitoring with OSL.

The responsibility for the use of an EPD at a specific workplace lies with the radiation protection officer, who must check and approve the use. Dosimeters are only lent out if the rental agreement signed by the radiation protection officer is returned.