
I would like to visit the Dosimetry Service (AWST), what is the home address?
Mirion Medical GmbH
Landsberger Str. 318
D-80687 München


Please note the following: a visit to AWST is only possible by prior arrangement.

What are the service hours of the Dosimetry Service (AWST)?

We are available for you at the following times by telephone at +49 89 2555 - 2553:

Montag bis Mittwoch 08:00 – 16:00
Donnerstag 08:00 – 18:00
Friday 08:00 – 12:00

Außerhalb dieser Zeiten stehen wir Ihnen per E-Mail; [email protected] zur Entgegennahme von Anfragen und Bestellungen zur Verfügung.

What are the service hours of the Dosimetry Service (AWST) for DosiNet & DosiCon?

If you have any questions regarding our online services, we can be reached at the following service times on +49 89 2555 - 2554.

Montag bis Mittwoch 08:00 – 16:00
Donnerstag 08:00 – 18:00
Friday 08:00 – 12:00

Außerhalb dieser Zeiten stehen wir Ihnen per E-Mail:  zur Entgegennahme von Anfragen und Bestellungen zur Verfügung.

Under which e-mail address can I reach the right contact person?

If you would like to order dosimeters or material, need our help or would like to clarify facts:

For problems and questions concerning DosiNet and DosiCon

[email protected]

What should I do if a dosimeter needs to be evaluated immediately because of a suspected dose exceedance?

Return the dosimeter to the AWST with the data of the person who wore the dosimeter. Write "Eilauswertung / Urgent evaluation" legibly on the return label or on the package. Do not forget to indicate the name of a contact person with the corresponding telephone/fax number, so that we can inform you of the result as quickly as possible.

Can a dosimeter assigned by the monitoring service for a certain wearing period be worn in another wearing period?

In general, the following applies: OSL dosimeters and rings (type W and type X) that have been assigned to a specific wearing period by the monitoring service may only be used in this wearing period!

Please return the unused dosimeters to the monitoring service with the next return shipment.

For albedo dosimeters, the customer determines the wearing period. The albedo dosimeters are made available to the customer for a specific period of time. The dosimeters may only be used during this period. After use, the dosimeters must be sent immediately to the monitoring service for evaluation. If the intended period of use has expired, the unused dosimeters must also be sent to the AWST for "zeroing". The "zeroing" (calibration) is subject to a charge.

How long can I store solid-state dosimeters (e.g. albedo, ring dosimeters) before using them?

All solid-state dosimeters should generally not be stored for longer than three months, since they also measure natural ambient radiation. When evaluating the solid-state dosimeters, a flat-rate ambient dose of approx. 0.1 mSv is taken into account. This corresponds to a period of approx. eight weeks between shipment to the customer and evaluation at the monitoring service. In case of a longer storage time, however, the absorbed ambient dose can become so high that actually unused dosemeters show a photon dose. In the case of albedo dosemeters, the neutron dose determination can be impeded and the measurement accuracy can be greatly deteriorated.

As a rule of thumb, a photon dose of approx. 0.05 mSv accumulates on your dosimeter per month of storage. If you want to use dosimeters that have been stored with you for a longer period of time, you should first send them to the monitoring service for zeroing.

What personal data is collected by AWST to conduct personal monitoring?

In order to be able to perform professional personal dosimetry, the AWST must be provided with the surname, first name, maiden name, title, date of birth, place of birth, gender, nationality and SSR number. The data will be handled in such a way that data protection and data security are guaranteed.

Will my personal data be shared?

The data provided by the customer will be stored in accordance with § 3 BDSG and forwarded to the national dose register on the basis of § 167 and § 170 StrlSchG and the addressees (supervisory authorities) listed in Annex 4 of the Guideline on Requirements for Personal Dose Measuring Stations.

When do I have to return the dosimeters to the monitoring service?

The date for returning the dosimeters is printed on the delivery bill.

Customers are requested to return the dosimeters to AWST so that they are available for evaluation at the Dosimetry Service (AWST) no later than that day, and no later than eight working days after the end of the monitoring periodacht Arbeitstage nach Ablauf des Überwachungszeitraums.

Why do I have to pay late fees?

Verspätet zurückgesandte Dosimeter bedeuten für uns einen erheblichen Mehraufwand, den wir derzeit mit 1,70 € pro Dosimeter berechnen. Dies ist keine Straf- oder Mahngebühr, sondern stellt einen Ausgleich für diesen Mehraufwand dar und erklärt sich wie folgt:

Each dosimeter is individually coded and is only approved for the specified wearing period. As an official monitoring service, we are obliged by the "Guideline on requirements for personal dosimetry monitoring services" to have reported the official result by the end of the following month. This is only possible for us if the dosimeters are in our house until a certain day and thus the following work flow can be kept in time.

If dosimeters arrive late at the monitoring service, they cannot be processed in the normal processing run for dose determination. This means an increased material and time expenditure for the evaluation and the further treatment of the measurement result.