Required Data
With the introduction of the new Radiation Protection Act on 31.12.2018, our customers are obliged (§168 paragraph 1 StrlSchG) to provide all required data according to §170 in conjunction with §167 StrlSchG to the monitoring service and the national dose register of Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (Bfs).
According to Art. 4 No. 8 of the DSGVO, commissioned processing exists if an entity processes personal data on behalf of the controller. In this case, the commissioned company must process personal data for another company in accordance with instructions. Therefore, if there is only a commissioning of non-specialized services of a different kind, in which personal data is transferred, there is no need to conclude such a contract.
See also §62 BDSG (para. 5):
„Die Verarbeitung durch einen Auftragsverarbeiter hat auf der Grundlage eines Vertrags oder eines anderen Rechtsinstruments zu erfolgen, der oder das den Auftragsverarbeiter an den Verantwortlichen bindet und der oder das den Gegenstand, die Dauer, die Art und den Zweck der Verarbeitung, die Art der personenbezogenen Daten, die Kategorien betroffener Personen und die Rechte und Pflichten des Verantwortlichen festlegt. Der Vertrag oder das andere Rechtsinstrument haben insbesondere vorzusehen, dass der Auftragsverarbeiter nur auf dokumentierte Weisung des Verantwortlichen handelt; ist der Auftragsverarbeiter der Auffassung, dass eine Weisung rechtswidrig ist, hat er den Verantwortlichen unverzüglich zu informieren;“
- Radiation protection register number; SSR number
- The respective personal data; surname, maiden name, given names, date and place of birth, gender, nationality
- Operation and activity category
- Überwachungskategorie (entsprechend Kategorie A/ B StrlSchV § 71)
- The company ID of the employing establishment; on our forms BA-Betriebsnummer.
- Name and telephone number of the radiation protection officer
- Information on a radiation passport registered in accordance with a legal ordinance based on this Act.
- Information about the competent supervisory authority
The SSR number is a personal identification number for each occupationally exposed person. You can apply for this via the homepage of the Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz:
If you have any further questions about applying for the SSR number, please contact the Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz directly.
Contact BfS:
Internet: <a href=""
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 030 18 333 0
The BA-Betriebsnummer is a number assigned by the Federal Employment Agency in accordance with §18i SGB IV for your employment company (eight-digit number consisting only of digits).
A radiation passport is a document that must be carried by persons who are exposed to ionizing radiation for occupational reasons in establishments where they are not employed.
If you and your employees are only to be occupationally exposed to radiation on your own premises, you do not need a radiation passport.
We have set up a supervisory authority search for you. Here you can search for responsible supervisory authorities using your postal code or district municipality key.
If you use our online service DosiNet or our interface DosiCon, we ask you to transmit the data via these software offers. Please also refer to the DosiNet FAQ.
Alternativ bitten wir Sie uns die Daten schriftlich per E-Mail ([email protected]) oder postalisch zukommen zu lassen.
Please remember to quote your company ID (BN0xxxxx; found on our delivery bills, results reports and invoices) in all correspondence.